„Pferd findet MAGNA RACINO“, so lautet für 2014 das Motto des starbesetzten Pferdevents, das 2012 und 2013 am Wiener Rathausplatz für Furore sorgte. Wegen eines Terminkonflikts im September gibt es 2014 eine Ausnahme was die Wahl der Location betrifft und die fiel klar auf den Pferdesportpark MAGNA RACINO.


Vienna Masters - 21.09.2013 - Gestern Erste heute Erste, für Kara Chad läuft's hier beim Vienna Masters einfach gut. Die Kanadierin lieferte im Gold Tour Finale um den Preis der Firma Helathfactories mit ihrem Acorado-Nachkommen Alberto II die einzige Nullrunde in Grundumlauf und stand damit als Siegerin fest.


Vienna Masters, 20.09.2013 – Visitors to the Rathausplatz today witnessed a Vienna Masters premiere.It was a first opportunity to see the next generation of international dressage champions in action, and it was a minor sensation. The crowd were captivated above all by the young German rider Nadine Krause on her Westphalia-raised pony stallion Danilo, and an almost fault-free performance in this international pony dressage competition for the Emarsys Prize.


Vienna Masters, 19.09.2013 – The dream backdrop was the Town Hall with its night-time illumination, and the dream protagonists the famous Lipizzaner stallions of Vienna’s Spanish Riding School. The gala show at the Vienna Masters proved to be a real magnet for the public, despite the fresh temperatures, and the audience were delighted by the show.


Vienna Masters, 19.09.2013 – The world’s top riders were today lined up at the start for the first time with their star horses.In the qualification round for the Global Champions Tour, spectators had the chance to see all the stars close up amongst the 92 starters.This 2-round jumping event over 1.45 m obstacles, for the Zoerkler Prize, was quickly underway, and the eventual winner was amongst the early starters.


Vienna Masters- 20.09.2013 - 33 Aktive sattelten heute ihre Pferde für die zweite Gold Tour Runde um den Preis der Firma Waldquelle, elf blieben im 1,40 m hohen Parcours fehlerfrei, aber nur eine schaffte die Runde unter 57 Sekunden.


Vienna Masters, 19.09.2013 The CSI2* riders began their first day of competition with one Danish, one American and one French victory.In the Sans Souci Prize (1.15 m) it was the Dane Jörgen Hallundbaeck who became the first winner at the Vienna Masters 2013; first place in the Pferderevue Prize (1.25 m) went to US rider Cloe Hymnowitz, with victory in the Granit Bau Prize (1.40 m) going to French rider Vincent Bartin.


Vienna Masters, 19.09.2013 – The fact that they lack nothing compared to their "big" colleagues was demonstrated today by Austria’s next generation of riders and their ponies as they competed for the LGT Prize.The youthful Austrian star pony rider Johanna Sixt mastered the 1.10 m course on Lilly Vanilly not just with a superb clear round, but also at top speed. 



We are delighted to welcome ICURAS on board as our Main Sponsor for 2013.
“Our activities are aimed at one target in particular: helping our customers to enjoy a better quality of life. Sport and entertainment are inextricably linked with quality of life. For this reason, we have chosen to support Vienna Masters 2013.” - Alexander Matis, Managing Director of ICURAS.



LGT Bank will once again be supporting the Vienna Masters in 2013 as the main sponsor.

Meinhard Platzer, CEO of LGT Bank in Austria: “We are very proud to once again be part of this...